Conference Proceedings

Prior to each conference a Proceedings Book is published and distributed to all delegates attending containing a detailed paper on the case histories of discovery featured on the conference programme. Our authors put a lot of work into these papers and the finished product has proven to be a very valuable professional development resource for exploration and mining geologists around the world.

(use the CTRL + F quick keys to easily search for specific stories)

After each conference a USB is produced which contains all presentations from the conference along with the conference preview and review that are published in the Gold Mining Journal, and photos from the conference.

* Please note we only have limited copies of proceedings books pre-dating 2003 and where possible will try to accommodate your order however this will be subject to availability. 

If you are interested in receiving scanned copies of papers from out-of-stock proceedings books, please contact

NewGenGold Conference

18-19 November 2025

Perth, Western Australia